She was really brave. When I sent her then, she was only 34 mths.I thought that she will create a scene. For all I know, she sat in the assembly area quietly. In fact, she joined Calvary Pandan only on the 2nd day after the new school term starts. She looks nervous actually.
After the 3 hours with her in school, we went home together. She was happy. We went to school together the next day, Friday. Her excitement continues for the week and there wasn't any sign of separation anxiety.
After the weekend, her new school days officially started. No parents are allowed in the school. I was so worried, paranoid that she may cry for me. I hid at the corner outside the school gate to peek her eating. My worries are all in vain, she didn't cry for Mummy at all. Not at all. She is really my brave girl!
Her principal was very firm because she didn't want the kids to run to the gate to search for their parents. I understood her concerns but just a little pissed that she didn't look into the parents' anxiety and worries.
Time really flies and Amanda has already attended for about 2 and half years of school! Hope that when she comes home later the rain will stop!