Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is for Ah Jen and myself!

I have been keeping my fingers crossed that I should update my blog! But think it is really different and difficult comparing to the days 2 years ago when I set into the office and the first thing I ever do is to switch on my PC after placing my bag in my cabinet next to me.

Life for me now is really mandate and days seems to be so fast-rapiding that weekdays seems weekends and everyday seems to be so precious and so short!

Why I titled this as that bcos I really pray that I will never forget and jeopardise the Goodness of our God and HE is indeed my everything.

Losing tracks of the past months of issues on Amelia is really a bad trace! But I really look back and feel that it is really worth searching how GOD answers prayers and HE really has His own timing to everything!
FEB 2008- I brought Amelia to see a PD regarding her issues that she seems to worsen each day after the tuina session that I brought her. Was advised by the PD that her condition dont seems to be normal and need to get referral from the Polyclinc to get series of tests at KK hopsital for a subsidized rates. The date given to see a doctor is end of APR.
MAR 2008- Couldnt wait anymore because her condtion seems to worsen with cries ervyday even when she is awake and with someone besides her.
The PD sugguested to see a Neurologist regarding her condition in NUH instead. Thank God the PD managed to get a nearer day comparing to the appointment given at KK on 27 APR instead of 2 APR.
2 APR- The first appointment with the NUH Neurologist. He also thinks that Amelia case dont seems to be normal and orders a series of blood test and urine tests for Amelia. He arranges for an EEG to be done to check for seizures in Amelia becos of Amelia's 8-10 times awaking episodes at her night sleep on 16 Apr.
16 APR- 2ND Appt. EEG done at 830am. I was really worried that Amelia will not fall asleep naturally for the smooth EEG test. Thank God for His grace; Amelia sleep naturally and she managed to get a smooth test.
EEG result- no seizure but Amelia's brain is more like a 6mths bb than her rightful age of 18mths.
Blood test result not right; found to have ammonia in her blood. Normal range should be below 30+. Amelia 's result was 70+.
Doctor sugguested for another series of blood test on Amelia.
2 May- 3rd Appt. The neurologist arranged for us to see the geneticist together. Both of them agreed on same grounds that we should go for the ammonia bood test again to confirm that if it is ammonia that is causing her lower part of her body to be so weak and cant even sit. Ammonia is formed bcos of low metalbolism and causing protein digestion to be poor and ammonia forms in the body. Result of ammonia- irritable, legthargic.
Both doctors agreed on same grounds that Amelia has to go for hospital stay to do a "challenge test" if her blood test is found negative and also another MRI.
I been fervently praying that if the tests are all not from God. He will take them all away. Thank God that He really works in ways that we cannot see. I weep each time when I see how the nurses draw blood from her until her hands are bruised. I cannot describe the pain likened to having a knife cutting through my heart! I will always pushes Nam to carry and hold Amelia when the nurses taking blood bcos I really cant bear to hear her cry and sob so badly. I pray to God that the tests will not bruise her anymore. Thank God that this time, her hands are not bruise slightly! Not a single trace of the needle prick. I knew that It was God! It was Jesus that held her through!
Less than a week, the test results were released. The level plunged all the way down to 40+ and the level is acceptable for the doctors at her age.
Any normal person will see this as a miracle bcos within a short period of time of 3 weeks will not bring this level of blood test down if Amelia really have low metalbolism problems!
God hears my every cry; the initial plan of putting her for another test called the challenged test was taken away by God! For unseen reasons, both doctors just concluded that her metalbolism is acceptable and miraclely they dont need her to do through the challenge. The genetician ordered another test for Neuro-degenerative diseases. This seems to be the most scary test and this is also one that my faith has be tested through fire! Doc wants to know why there is such a sudden regression in her; if found to be positive; her condition will worsen day by day until she loses everything!
16 May- the blood test for degenerative diseases was conducted without hospital admission.
26 May- Amelia was admitted for MRI. I was praying that ervything done by God's will come smooth .
28 May- Doc called and explained that her MRI is not normal for her dvelopemnt and age.
30 May- Thank God that her MRI done in Dec 2006 comparing as present. There is no abnormal changes comparing to the previous MRI done when she was 14mths! And it is both good news and bad news. Good news that there seems to have lower chances of degeneration. Bad news is that ideally the report should show her current stage.
10 June- I was already walking in great faith that the blood test will not show any signs that is not from GOD! AMEN! The blood test cleared! She dont have any genetic issues leading to degeneration diseases. Doc only detected her with CP! He also commented that Amelia looks much much happier and alert now comparing to months before! CP will improve over time. Only therapy will help her at the moment.
I reject this Cerebral Palsy in Jesus name, AMEN!
I truly, deeply and madly believe that God is Great! He never forgets me at any point of time in my life and I know that I will never let HIM go ever, ever again! He will never puts us through tests that we cant handle. It is just the amount of Faith to believe in Him and only by trusting HIS Word and only PRAYER changes everything!
HE IS the same yesterday, today and tomarrow!
I just pray that Amelia is happy and healthy each day!
*** Above is only a summary of the agenda to Amelia medical history and condtions.***