Saturday, August 1, 2009

Survived One week wo maid. Whew!

This is right boy!
I'm ok, Im alright. Wendy wendy fight fight fight.
Sounds beri chinah but this is right!
I have set my routine since 23rd July and I have pulled through one week and I still find time to blog at this time.

Really tired! But happy that at least I felt that Im closer with the kids really hands on. Need to go catch some time off to cut my hair and little time on my own. It is a matter of balancing, I tink!

There's always rainbow after the rain.

Really tired. Got to catch some time to read a magazine and prayers.


jer mummy said...

Hey mummy.. as always, u r strong and capable!

jen© said...

Jia You! :)

Ribena said...

you'll do well!