Friday, August 24, 2007
Another Naggy Chapter!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Scrapbook fever is back!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Amelia Sit up from crawling-New Milestone
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Grandma's Birthday at Chinese Restaurant

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Amanda is excited over National Day!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Amelia meets her first playmate, Isabelle
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Amanda at Imm Playground
Decided to bring Amanda to meet Zann at the playground.
Something which I'm really happy about because Amanda is really sporting unlike Zann. Maybe she really love water unlike zann. The moment we change her with her swim wear, she just dashed to the play area. But when she saw that Zann wasn't keen and fearful to join the water play. Oh! The mood was spoilt and there goes the day.... Well well well..... I can only say that my girl is brave and she is fearless.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Bottle Tree Park
Friday, August 3, 2007
Budget! Budget! & Daily Time Allocation
Amelia was under maid's care last nite
I fixed the baby monitor in the helper's room so that I can hear妹妹's cryings. Do you know, Gracious! She really didn't really cry and even if its that, it wasn't long and no issue of unsettlement. WHY? WHY? WHY? Is there anything that I did wrong and now the kids are here to make my life really difficult? If you really know what happened to them then trying to mend it the right way that will not put me into this frustration.
Since the day of her birth til today, my prayers still seemed unanswered! I'm very upset and wondered if there is anything I could really do to atone for all these. I remembered my friend, Pris did mentioned before that we are already very lucky and blessed to have a normal baby than the less fortunate. This makes me thankful for this fact.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Meimei is 10mths today
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I taught her to play on the phonics EN... She played once and she knew how to match HEN,MEN,PEN.... Think I really need to think about how to teach her in a way appealing to her character. When I click on the page that I ask her to try to play. She is angry and doesnt want to listen even. Sigh! How to teach her like this?? Initially I wanted to go for the Phonics adult workshop. I think I shouldnt waste time. This girl doesnt want to be taught in an orderly manner. At least now that she is older, she still has her own initiative to grab a piece of paper to write her own name, her sister's and also A to Z. The alp is quite hard to make up becuase she couldnt really write A to Z just yet. I'm already very happy with her bcos she is hardly 4.5years.
This really pushes me to find out more materials to teach her in a way appealing to her. I really cannot be a perfect or super mum. The time I have for Jiejie, I cannot balance up my time for Meimei. Maybe I really need to write a daily schedule so that I can be fair with my 2 girls. This is the reason why I quit my job for.
Gave Meimei some ice-cream to try. Hmm the minty type. You should see her expression, so funny!
After dinner, Amanda throws tantrums. She wanted something which I dont wan to give her. She kicked the things around. I really got no idea where did she learn this from! I threaten her that if she tries again, I will put a chair for her to sit outside. She is quite fearful! She stopped after. Parenting is really tough! It is a long learning process!