Saturday, December 15, 2007
Amelia's first Physiotherapy after PD's review
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Summary! Summary! Summary!
The issue with my blog that would bored my kids in future to read are words, words, words. I promise myself that I would be more hardworking to upload photos instead of wordy postings.
Been so tied up:
1. Checking up on contractors for minor renovation in the kitchen
2. Start of the reno
3. Went to Genting from 28/Nov and returned on 2 Dec
4. Brought Amelia for a Brain scan on 6 Dec. Thank God that there is negative results for her report. Only concern calls for her feet. Bringing her for physiotherapy on 14 Dec
5. Busy bringing Amanda to holiday programme at Zoophonics from 3 Dec-7 Dec
6. Trial at Evergreen Montessori from 10 Dec - 14 Dec
7. Selection of Kindergarten.
8. Shopping for Christmas presents for party at Joanne's home
Will post photos then. Hopefully I will come out with the verdict for Amanda's kindergarten next year.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Missing In action!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Tired! Tired! Tired!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hubby's Birthday
Hubby's Birthday & Visit to the Chinese Garden
Starry Starry Night(Backdated to 22 Sep)
It was kinda of packed fun for the kids. The story telling and the art& crafts session. I love most personally is the sugar art. Flicking some food coloring into the packs of sugar and pour them all into the little plastic jar. Looks a little sand art from afar.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Conversation with Amanda
Friday, September 14, 2007
Amanda sweet-talks me!
Amanda says that I am beri cute! Then I ask her what is cute? She simply says Cute is cute loh! Heehee! Adorable isnt she? Kids are so ignorant and pure!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Amanda has patience for Jigsaw puzzle Finally
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
AllergyTest for Amelia
Dinner with Alison or Feelings??
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Amanda can match words to the animals card
Monday, September 10, 2007
Amanda spells Egg and learns to spell!
Months ago, I was really vexed when she doesnt know how to recognise the alphabets. Now she is trying to spell the things she sees. She only complains that she has problem writing small caps. She is able to write the Big caps without looking at the alphabets. There are certain letters that she has problems Q, b, p.... It is either she writes the Q the inverted way or the b as like p.....
Should I wait for herself to figure it out again? I hope that I can note every single and details of my 2 dearest princesses always... I am stressing again???? Hahhaha
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Rearranged the things in the house
The only way is to clear the stuff in the rooms so that there are more space if mummy comes to stay. Looks like she is unlikely to come back again. Sigh!
The bottomline for clearing stuff, things untouched or unneeded for more than 3 months. They can be thrown away. The issue is what if it is needed again?
Forgot to take photos of before and after! At least the rooms looked more spacious now!
Amelia calls MaMa
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Taught Amanda to make butterfly fly!
Taught that this is somthing simple to start her 1st day to her 1 week Sep holidays. I was as excited as Amanda. I took a paper to sketch the butterly template given. It was quite pretty. Amanda wanted 3. I drew 3 and asked her to cut after tracing it on the cardstock. She was cranky. Dunno the real reason, I was just too impatient with her. Didnt wait for her to finish tracing; I ask her to assist me and at the end she was kinda teary becos I was too harsh with her.
It was always after my act that I was regretful! I pray that I wont shout at her again!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Amanda kisses me at my ears today!
We went Ah mah home today. They just returned from HK and they came back full luagge of stuff for my 2 dearies. Amanda is so happy with the little kitty MTR that Gugu bought. It is silverish looking and think it would be fantastic if it is pink. Maybe MTR can't be pink. Accordingly it was sold by the MTR HK to encourage the trips you take using this transport. Cool! Would try taking pictures of it tomolo.
Amanda couldn't let it go. She is sleeping with it tonite.
I'm sometimes really upset with her but when she throws tantrums and cries as if she is like Amelia. I love it when she is learning to be expressive like me and lovcs me more. She comes near my ears and Mwack me!
That is happy enough to give me sweet dreams for tonite!
Meimei is sleeping with me tonite and I really got to go!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Amelia develops her third tooth, the upper molar
Really upset sometimes when I think that she is teething. Imagine that she can be so hilarious when teething especially at nite. What the more if she has so many tooths to develop???
Now the little tooth on the upper molar, I had sleepless nights since the slightest sign to emergent!! God help help help!
Should start taking snaps before more comes out.
Amanda's ballet teacher comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Another Naggy Chapter!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Scrapbook fever is back!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Amelia Sit up from crawling-New Milestone
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Grandma's Birthday at Chinese Restaurant

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Amanda is excited over National Day!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Amelia meets her first playmate, Isabelle
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Amanda at Imm Playground
Decided to bring Amanda to meet Zann at the playground.
Something which I'm really happy about because Amanda is really sporting unlike Zann. Maybe she really love water unlike zann. The moment we change her with her swim wear, she just dashed to the play area. But when she saw that Zann wasn't keen and fearful to join the water play. Oh! The mood was spoilt and there goes the day.... Well well well..... I can only say that my girl is brave and she is fearless.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Bottle Tree Park
Friday, August 3, 2007
Budget! Budget! & Daily Time Allocation
Amelia was under maid's care last nite
I fixed the baby monitor in the helper's room so that I can hear妹妹's cryings. Do you know, Gracious! She really didn't really cry and even if its that, it wasn't long and no issue of unsettlement. WHY? WHY? WHY? Is there anything that I did wrong and now the kids are here to make my life really difficult? If you really know what happened to them then trying to mend it the right way that will not put me into this frustration.
Since the day of her birth til today, my prayers still seemed unanswered! I'm very upset and wondered if there is anything I could really do to atone for all these. I remembered my friend, Pris did mentioned before that we are already very lucky and blessed to have a normal baby than the less fortunate. This makes me thankful for this fact.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Meimei is 10mths today
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I taught her to play on the phonics EN... She played once and she knew how to match HEN,MEN,PEN.... Think I really need to think about how to teach her in a way appealing to her character. When I click on the page that I ask her to try to play. She is angry and doesnt want to listen even. Sigh! How to teach her like this?? Initially I wanted to go for the Phonics adult workshop. I think I shouldnt waste time. This girl doesnt want to be taught in an orderly manner. At least now that she is older, she still has her own initiative to grab a piece of paper to write her own name, her sister's and also A to Z. The alp is quite hard to make up becuase she couldnt really write A to Z just yet. I'm already very happy with her bcos she is hardly 4.5years.
This really pushes me to find out more materials to teach her in a way appealing to her. I really cannot be a perfect or super mum. The time I have for Jiejie, I cannot balance up my time for Meimei. Maybe I really need to write a daily schedule so that I can be fair with my 2 girls. This is the reason why I quit my job for.
Gave Meimei some ice-cream to try. Hmm the minty type. You should see her expression, so funny!
After dinner, Amanda throws tantrums. She wanted something which I dont wan to give her. She kicked the things around. I really got no idea where did she learn this from! I threaten her that if she tries again, I will put a chair for her to sit outside. She is quite fearful! She stopped after. Parenting is really tough! It is a long learning process!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Amanda feeds Amelia
While I was helping her to wash up, I taught Jiejie to feed Meimei the canned banana porridge for breakfast. This meimei seems to know that jiejie can be bullied. Grabs the spoon and bowl from her jiejie. At the end of it, it seems that her hair and her face eating the food rather than her mouth. Hahhaha!
I can only told Jiejie, good job Dada! She says, I dun wan to feed meimei, she grabs my spoon!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Hovan's Birthday party
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Mummy went to SIL home
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thunder! Lightning! Thunder!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Songs of the Sea
Haven't even got time to open 妹妹's account until these recent months. The tickets were so called given due to the $500 deposit and the amount has to be locked for a minimum of 6mths. There is really no free lunch is this world.
Anyway, the purpose is for the Song of the sea at Sentosa. We headed to the iternary after dinner nearby home. Roasted duck rice. We reached sentosa about 6pm. After we picked up the free tickets from the Maybank counter. We queued for more tickets because all the women in the house went. Great grandma, grandma, grandaunt, Kaka, myself and the 2 girls and not forgeting the only man, Daddy! The tickets are selling fast like hotcakes. About 6.40pm, the shows for 8.45pm is also snapped up. Frankly I really got no idea what is the show about.
Oh! 妹妹 is so tired. She slept in the car on the way home. What a tired day!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dh quite sweet though!
A Lazing Day
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Unhappy with my Mum
My 1st Maid of the new employment year works 1 mth
I always told my maids that there is no point that they compare employers because they can never be the same. I will give them the best within my means.
So far this one still has good attitude. She opologises when she does something wrong, she knows what to do at the right time. Through the small little areas that I observed her so far, she is considered the best of the all that I had. I always thought that I am a fussy employer whom is picky is petty. After this one, I realised that I wasn't one at all. Everybody has their expectations and requirements. I only wanted one with a kind heart and good attitude. All the previous are all filipinos and they are really high esteem and badly attitude people. Sigh! Dun wan to waste time pondering over the unhappy and unmemorable issues.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Jacky Cheung World Tour 2007
Jacky is 46years old and he has been singing for the past 23 years. He sang and danced for 3 of his songs in a row. Man! He is still energetic and full of vigour!
Besides that he actually incorporated some of his musical drama stages into the concert. Fantastic! Remarkable! Incredible! Worth the money! I think I will be into this fever for a while again! Got some breakthroughs after the concert! It is not what you achieve in this life that matters! It is what you do that you really like and live the life the fullest and never live to regret later! Jacky actually love what he is doing! Despite the money that he will make from this world tour, he is still passionate about his singing & dancing! The concert starts from 8.20pm and didn't end until nearly 12 midnite. More than 3/4 of the full audience did not leave until 12 midnite. At last, everyone finally got enough of Jacky which initially supposed to end about 11pm.
Well I should thank Dh's friend who gave us the free tickets to watch. It really feels good to have some private time with Dh without the kids. 3 cheers for Dear Hubby!! Yippe!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Amelia is teething!
Teething Symptoms
Like grown-ups, all babies deal with pain differently, and of course some will have an easier time of it than others. However, most babies with get a little grouchy and irritable!
The first signs of teething usually begin a few months before the first tooth appears so you will need to look for particular symptoms to ensure that this is actually the cause. This is important because all too often, teething gets blamed for a variety of complaints, such as fever, vomiting, runny noses, diarrhoea and rashes all of which could be signs of a different problem. In fact, most healthcare professionals agree that teething should not make your baby ill, so if you're unsure of the cause of your baby's discomfort or they are suffering from any of these conditions, you should always consult your doctor.
restlessness, irritability and disturbed sleep patterns
sore, red gums
flushed cheeks
loss of appetite
a slight rise in temperature (but not above 39oC, which indicates a fever)
dribbling (which may cause a rash or sore, chapped skin on the chin)
a sudden desire to chew anything they can lay their hands on!
an urge to bite. This should not be perceived as a sign of aggression or anger, more of a means to ease the pain.
Sometimes you can actually see the tooth cutting through the gum, or you may be able to feel it emerging if you run a clean finger along your baby's gum line. Another good indicator that your baby is teething is that they will want to chew… on anything. It could be toys, fingers or food! This is a completely natural reaction to the changes that are going on within the gum and it is thought that chewing on something hard feels quite soothing.
If your baby is in distress while teething there are lots of easy ways to ease the pain for both of you.
There are 20 milk teeth, ten at the top and ten at the bottom. Teeth usually erupt in pairs from the front of the mouth to the back, the bottom pair arriving a couple of months before the corresponding top pair. Although the age at which babies begin to teethe and the rate at which it proceeds differ greatly, the chart below indicates the order in which teeth usually appear.
If your baby bites when breast feeding, you could discourage this by immediately taking away the breast. This will teach your baby that biting interrupts feeding!
To help you monitor your own baby's development Bonjela Teething Gel has created a downloadable chart for you to print off and pin on your nursery wall. Click here to download our teething chart (PFD format 66kb)
Friday, July 6, 2007
Amanda went for Trial at Berries!
The teacher started with an opening afternoon greeting that seems fun. Then she started to teach and act out the words that she is teaching for the lesson. Each lesson they teach 2 words, 1 idom and 1 nursery rhyme. They actually teach in a very fun way which I think as a mother we really should be versatile and creative to teach in that manner.
She actually uses a tissue box to form the word 吃 using a tissue box and add teeth to the character of 吃. She really makes the character alive and makes learning really interesting. 吃糖果& 吃水果. Opened the can of cocktails for the kids to smell and to try. Used hula loop for the kids to throw inside with the object belonging to the character. Can see that Amanda really enjoys herself a great deal!
Talked to the teacher and accordingly, she also agrees that Amanda has to be taught in a confined area because she is really distracted by others. Really pray that Amelia is not like Amanda in this manner!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Amelia Blab! Blab!
She is loveable and really cute when she tries to talk. Frankly I really gets upset when the night comes and that we have to bear with all her crying at night. She could really go out of control even when you tries to pacify her by carrying her. Sometimes really dunno what she wants,im really drained. I'm really fearful about others breathing about me having a 3rd kid even! I'm not super mom really! I'm only human! Dunno when she will stop behaving this way at night!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Abacus?? Right Brain??
Think I really got to review on Enen enrichment programme. Frankly the kids have to enjoy truely!