Monday, July 14, 2008

New Treatment???

By chance I got to know this lady from a niche business. She is a distributor in Singapore marketing a range of products useful for the special needs children; helping them in terms of speech and also other areas of a child's development. Something that I learnt from these 2 ladies of the business is that despite that they also have their own issues back at home. She has a down sydrome daughter and with their background about their kids, they bless others by finding out about the needs of the special kids. Her name is P***. Sometime back when Amelia has arising issues she did recommended me to see a naturopath. She mentioned that her daughters used to have medical needs that cannot be addressed or diagnosd by the doctor but was hopeful after consulting this doctor.
I was skeptical. Frankly I can share the details of the clinic or much more if I am really thousand times confident that this is gonna work but I am really puzzled why there are some things that cant be concluded by the trained doctors.
I decided to seek the naturopath's help after much barking from Nam and my closest friend. Both of them or rather people around me asked me to seek 2nd opinion. I dont want to seek doesnt mean I dont care. I really pray that God will address the root of the problem but I know I cant force God on His will! I have been praying over this. I told God that if it is His will that the doctor can help then open that door!
10 July I went to see this doctor called S**. He doesnt look very "doctor" or hmm I thought very experienced. But guess we are always taught never to judge "a book by its cover". After much discussion and consultation, Nam and I felt that he was quite enthical in his professions that he don't seem to be out to earn our money. According to him, he will not pursue any case that he has no experience or exposure in. Initially he wanted to give up on Amelia's case because he mentioned about the tests that he wants to order but I had them most done in the hospital and the only abnormal piece of test result is only from the MRI.
The strange issue that emerged before we leave the clinic is that I highlighted that recent 2 days before the consultation; Amelia has this terrible bad breathe that smelt so much like rubbish bin. He was giggling; He looked hopeful to Amelia's problem. He wanted her to do a Hair analysis test and urine test that will check for metals or nutrients that she might be lacking.
11 July, managed to get urine from Amelia with planned effort. I have to put her without diapers and for a little girl like her is really tough. She doesnt know how to communicate and I have to carry her for the whole 1 hour with her panties on and sat in the bathroom to collect her urine. Thank God for the urine collected prior to 2 hours before she gulped down about more than 120ml of water. She actually poo and pee at the same time when I held and sat with her in the bathroom. I was worried that there might be stool in the urine that might not be accurate. Nam sent the urine and the result was released on the very day. There is some moderate concern about her leaky gut. What is leaky gut???
Managed to find out the simple terms:
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome - LGS?
Leaky Gut Syndrome - LGS is a possibly unpleasant sounding name but it describes a gut which is inflamed and has got very porous, (much more porous than it should be), and it is letting large food proteins, bacteria, fungi, metals and toxic substances straight into our blood stream or in more scientific language, an increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to luminal macromolecules, antigens and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and/or atrophic mucosal damage. Once in the blood stream our immune system is the last line of defense to deal with these substances and it will eventually get overwhelmed if a Leaky Gut is not rectified. While there is no quick cure for Leaky Gut, there are many things that can be done to start healing Leaky Gut Syndrome and eventually regain a normal gut.
I really dont know if these are all the findings that made Amelia been bloated and fart each time she sleeps. She will cry each time she fart or even so constispated that she seems to be battling sometimes and these are the issues that I brought up to doctors but they all think that it is not a issue!
Doctor S** suggested a series of supplements and a B blood type diet to follow. The hair analysis is gonna take another 3 weeks for the results