Monday, August 10, 2009

Helper not returning home!!

Recived a sms from my helper from Indonesia that she cant return cos her family and hubby dont allow.

That was it!

At first I thoought that my family and routine and everything else will be in a total mess and loss!

Think this is truly, madly what it comes to my mind~!!

First thing, I ask God; Did you allow this to happen???

Maid decides not to return!

Got a sms from my helper that her family and new;y wed husband that they dont allow her to return for work in Singapore.

Utter rubbish! My sms to her was terribly harsh and wanted her to give a verbal explanation. We were in Genting without any help. We really din expect that we are able to make it through.

First thing it comes to my mind: God why did you allow it to happen???

This was it!!
This was truly, madly and deeply what I was thinking about!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Survived One week wo maid. Whew!

This is right boy!
I'm ok, Im alright. Wendy wendy fight fight fight.
Sounds beri chinah but this is right!
I have set my routine since 23rd July and I have pulled through one week and I still find time to blog at this time.

Really tired! But happy that at least I felt that Im closer with the kids really hands on. Need to go catch some time off to cut my hair and little time on my own. It is a matter of balancing, I tink!

There's always rainbow after the rain.

Really tired. Got to catch some time to read a magazine and prayers.